Google Another Way to Eat Your Chips and Curls at School
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           If you like eating chips and curls along with your other healthy foods at school, at the office, or at the mall, I have a little suggestion that you might consider. You can bring in another spoon together with the spoon you bring for your lunch box. You can use this spoon when eating your favorite chips, curls, and other junk foods. This way, your hands or your fingers won't get messy which usually happens. When you're done eating, you can just wrap the spoon with a tissue paper and return it inside your bag or you can put it inside your lunch box if that is the way you normally carry it. It would actually help if the food packs of the above have at least two tear here points (or the Google Multiple Tear Here Design) to make spooning easier. In the future you can eat chips and curls using a cellophane thumb and forefinger cover I call Google Finger Bonnet. I hope this Google article is helpful to you.....