(and all others and all any number/s <Google balls and and all others> including one and zero) transfer, movements, scoring, goaling and all others could be Google controlled or timed at its best (or choice and all others to fit a Google television schedule or time budget and all others). The same could also be applied for other Olympic and non-Olympic sports and events and all other games (or events) played on land, water, air and all others. All the above could be called Google Game Exhibitions or Shows. The above could also be Google performed (played and all others), paused and continued as the Google Television Games. All the above could also be combined by number/s including one and zero and called Google Games Exhibitions or Shows Mix or Mixes. All the descriptions in all my other Google articles and stories also applies to this Google article. All the above could be presented as is or as Google Games Exhibitions or Shows Contests and the Google winner/s and loser/s declared. All of