bent knees or standing or any position. If he failed, at any point, the other or next player is allowed to hit his marble. And if his marble got hit, near any hole or place, from the starting line or anywhere, then he would go back to the starting point and would be allowed to shoot at a hole or hit another marble the last. The player who made the hit was given a hole advantage or or a move forward. At the point where a line is drawn on the ground. Once all except for one of the players had already completed shooting from the first hole and back the game was deemed done. The one who failed to complete was deemed the loser of the marble game. He would then sit a little at the back of the first hole and put his marble on the ground. The other players would then take turns in hitting the marble of the losing player. The loser is obliged to return the marble to the winning players. They are given three throws. But any time during they made a hit, their chances of throwing would return to three. Once the free throws are all consumed or used by the winning players, the game is the repeated. The game could also be played in pairs or any number. The winning players would then choose which player to punish or hit. I liked this game then and I hope you like to. Someday, we can use a Google Marble or Google Balls for any kind or size of holes. I hope that this Google article is helpful to you.